Utility Rates
Water meter
Base charge $9.50
First 10,000 gallons $5.02 per thousand
10,001-20,000 gallons $9.19 per thousand
20,001 and above $9.68 per thousand
Sprinkler Meter
Base charge $20.00
First 30,000 $6.12 per thousand
Next 10,000 gallons $9.19
Usage over 40,000 $9.68 per thousand
Water Meter
Base charge $20.00
First 10,000 gallons $5.02 per thousand
10,000 - 40,000 gallons is $9.19 per thousand
Usage over 40,000 gallons is $9.68 per thousand
Sprinkler Meter
Base charge $20.00
First 30,000 $6.12 per thousand
Next 10,000 gallons $9.19
Usage over 40,000 $9.68 per thousand
First 20,000 gallons $5.02 per thousand
Next 20,000 gallons $9.19
Above 40,000 gallons $9.68 per thousand
Temporary Water
10 days/48 Hrs.: $20 Flat
30 Days: $30 plus residential rates for usage
Over 2,000 gallons
New residential accounts have a 6000-gallon cap on sewer charge until resident establishes their own average. Established residents’ sewer is based on 3 of the 4 lowest month water usage at $3.45 per thousand gallons. The average is adjusted annually in April based on prior year usage. When less water is used than the sewer average in any given month, the sewer will be based on the actual water usage. The sewer average is a cap, which prevents sewer charges to rise during outside watering months.
Sewer flat $3.45 per thousand gallons. No sewer averages for businesses. No maximum.
(Sewer Surcharge)
Residential - $17.75
Commercial - $21.00
(Residential only)
$11.50 per month 1 poly cart
$18.50 per month for 2 poly carts ($10.75 each for third and fourth poly carts)
Includes 2 large scheduled pickups per year per address and 1 Trash Voucher.
(Commercial only)
Dumpster pricing in PDF at bottom of page
$14.50 per month per poly cart
Sewer Surcharge (Funding the new sewer treatment plant and new sewer lift station)
Residential - $17.75
Commercial - $21.00
Miscellaneous Fees
New Service/Transfer Fee: $25.00
Late Fees: 2% of the total bill amount
Admin Fee for cut-off due to past due bill: $20.00
Returned Check/Credit Card/Bank Draft Fee: $25.00
Returned Check/Credit Card/Bank Draft Delinquency Fee: $15.00
Broken Lock: $50.00
Storm Damage Cleanup Fee: $1.00
Visit HERE for more information on our partnership with Oklahoma City and the related fees for Hazardous Household Waste Collection