Cadet Academy

Observe, Learn and Protect

The Cadet Academy gives aspiring high school students who are interested in a career in law enforcement the opportunity to join the Moore Police Department for a month-long adventurous learning experience.

The Academy provides fun, team building challenges, a field trip, and quality time with real-world law enforcement officers. By joining the Cadet Academy, selectees have the opportunity to become experts on what it means to “OBSERVE, LEARN, AND PROTECT!” 

The Cadet Academy is for high school students entering their sophomore year up through seniors that have just graduated.

Up to twenty (20) participants will be selected based on their letters of reference. Students must have at least a "C" grade point average to be considered. Preference will be given to students who reside within the city limits of Moore, followed by those residing within the Moore Public Schools geographic boundary. Any school student (home, public, virtual, private) is eligible to apply.

Upcoming Academy

When: May 27th - June 24th  

Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 

Location: Moore Police Department, 117 E. Main Street, Moore, OK 73160

Application deadline: April 25th at 5:00 p.m.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Applicant must be entering high school as a Sophomore - Senior or be a Senior that has just graduated. 
  2. Applicant must submit two reference letters with their application as well as proof of their grade point average. Note: Be sure to have your reference letters ready to upload before starting the online application.
  3. Background check: No person with a felony conviction, including a Family Violence conviction, shall be allowed to attend the class.
  4. Applicants will be automatically disqualified if you have any outstanding warrants or pending court dates in either Municipal, State, or Federal courts. You will not be allowed to attend the Cadet Academy until such warrants are cleared and all cases are adjudicated.
  5. Once selected, students will be expected to follow a dress code.
  6. Students must be able to provide your own transportation to and from the academy.
  7. Students must be in class in time for roll call to be taken at 9:05 a.m. or you will be counted absent. Students who miss more than one (1) class will automatically be dropped from the Cadet Academy.

Prospective participants, along with a parent/guardian, should complete the application below:

Student Information
Name of Applicant
Home Address
Father's Information
Mother's Information
Emergency Contacts
Primary Contact
Secondary Contact
Background Information
Have you ever been arrested?
Have you ever received any citations(tickets) for any offense including traffic violations?
Letters of Reference

Please upload 2 letters of reference.

Please upload your first letter of reference here.

One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx.

Please upload your second letter of reference here.

One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx.
Student Contract

The MPD Cadet Academy Student must agree to adhere to the following requirements of the program upon acceptance:

Students must be situationally aware and conduct themselves in a safe manner at all times. Unsafe acts or unsafe conditions must be reported to Staff Members as soon as possible. Students must refrain from entering restricted areas without consent of the instructor(s).

I Agree (initial)

Students represent their families and the Moore Police Department. The Student shall maintain a neat, well-groomed appearance, with attire and footwear that is appropriate. The academy shirt and pants is the standard and absolutely NO sandals, flip-flops, or cut-offs/short shorts are allowed.

I Agree (initial)

Students must assume responsibility for their actions and activities and agree to participate in all class assignments & activities. They must present themselves in a professional way at all times and the use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs of any kind (other than those of which the Academy staff is aware of) is forbidden.

I Agree (initial)

Students shall not use profane, intentionally insulting, degrading language or actions toward any other student, citizen, or member of the Department. Students must be courteous and tactful by using a courteous enthusiastic, open minded, critical approach to the daily events. Cell phones are to be turned off during the Academy.

I Agree (initial)

I understand a violation of State or local laws and/or program rules shall be cause for immediate removal from the Moore Police Department Junior Police Academy program

I Agree (initial)

Sign above

Parent Authorization

In consideration of my child’s participation, I, the undersigned, assume full and complete responsibility for my child’s actions while participating in the activity for which I am registering for. I hereby indemnify and hold harmless the City of Moore, the Moore Police Department and/or its Director, Manager, Coordinators, Employees, Volunteers, Agents, Servants, Officers, elected Officials, and Independent Contractors from any and all claims, actions, demands, costs, liabilities, expenses, or judgement whatsoever which might arise in any manner from my/my child’s use of the Moore Police Department facility or my/my child’s presence on City of Moore property. I understand that there is an inherent risk in participating in any physical activity. The City of Moore and/or the Moore Police Department disclaims any and all responsibility for accidents or injuries occurring during the activity for which I am registering my child. This release and waiver extends to all claims of every kind and nature, whatsoever, foreseen and unforeseen, known or unknown.

I grant the City of Moore and/or the Moore Police Department, its representatives, and employees the right to take photographs of my child and/or property in connection with the activity for which I am registering. I authorize the City of Moore and/or the Moore Police Department to copyright, use, and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree the City of Moore and/or the Moore Police Department may use such photographs of my child with or without their name and for any lawful purpose, including publicity, illustration, advertising, social media, and Web content.

I am the parent or legal guardian of the child registered for this activity and by my signature below, acknowledge that I have read and understand the waiver.

I Agree (initial)

Sign above