Commercial Development

All commercial development within Moore must comply with City Codes. Below is a list of the most common requirements for commercial developments. If you are unsure of the requirements for your project, please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Proper Zoning
All land in Moore is zoned for certain uses. Please refer to the public zoning map to check the zoning on any property within Moore. Once the zoning is determined, consult the Moore Land Development Code to determine what zoning the desired use falls under. If a rezoning is necessary to support your project, the desired land use must consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and if it is not, an amendment to the plan will also be required. A copy of the Comp Plan is available here, or a paper copy can be picked up at the Community Development Department. To submit for a rezoning, a complete rezoning application along the Envision Moore 2040 Development Compliance Worksheet must be submitted with the required fees to the Planning Division. The rezoning process can take 60-90 days. For more information on the rezoning process, please click here.

Property must be Platted
Section 12-404 of the Moore City Code requires all commercial development to be platted prior to issuance of a building permit. Platting ensures that proper ROW and easement dedications are granted to accommodate the growth that development brings. If a platting is necessary, an engineer or surveyor will be required. During the plat review process, City Staff will review public improvements and other development requirements and limitations. Typically a plat submittal will include both a preliminary plat and final plat. This can be waived for simple developments to bypass the preliminary plat and complete just a final plat. The platting process can take 60-90 days. For more information on the platting process, please click here

Public Improvements
All commercial developments must have direct access to public water, sewer and a public arterial or commercial street. For questions about where the nearest water or sewerline is for a parcel, please contact [email protected] with the address or location. If a public improvement extension is necessary for your project, an engineer will be required. Although there is no standard timeframe as to how long the approval process is for public improvement extensions as each project is unique, the City is committed to a check print turn-around in 2-3 weeks. If due to workload or other considerations the review time will take longer, the applicant will be notified. For more information on the public improvement extension process, please click here

Stormwater Detention
Beginning in June of 2021, all commercial developments over 1 acre in size must have stormwater detention. If stormwater detention is necessary for your project, an engineer will be required. Although there is no standard timeframe as to how long the approval process is for stormwater detention as each project is unique, the City is committed to a check print review turn-around in 2-3 weeks. If due to workload or other considerations the review time will take longer, the applicant will be notified. For more information on the public improvement extension process, please click here.

Development in a floodplain is allowed, but extra steps must be taken to ensure the structure is above the Base Flood Elevation or removed from the Floodplain maps altogether. First, check to see if your property has flood zones here. If it does contain a floodplain or floodway, it is best to contact the Planning Division at [email protected] with a proposed site plan. Staff will contact you to discuss how the floodzone may impact your development. More information about floodplains can be found here.